Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Fall is coming
The weather cooled down over the past weekend, and that slows a lot of the crops down. Peppers aren't setting as much fruit, the tomatoes don't ripen very quickly, and the basil really slows down growing. Somehow, though, the crops slowing down doesn't mean that we slow down any. Fall is the busiest and best time of the year.
Saturday we brought in the first load of pumpkins and squash. They were planted late, so some of them are still a little green, but the vines are dying back and so it's time to harvest. If squash gets too much sun on it's skin it can get sun burn and then does not keep as long. In the picture below we have the sample squash that we brought in to test. Roughly clockwise they are: patty pan, red kuri, blue hubbard, festival (colored acorn), spagetti, hi-beta spaghetti, neck pumpkin, buttercup, Caspar (the white "pumpkin"), pie pumpkin, acorn, and butternut. And there are still more varieties out in the field!
Dad has cut some corn stalks and bundled them. Now all we need for it to look like fall are some red and yellow leaves on the trees!