As you can see, the greenhouse is getting pretty full. Most of what you see is tomato plants (left and center) and peppers (bright green on the right). The empty peat pots on the lower right are where the cucumbers are started. At the very bottom are the onions.
This table shows tomatoes (at the bottom), the dark red spots are lettuces, as are some of the lighter greens. Way at the back is the blue-green of cabbage. In addition we have some more exotic greens, like Chinese cabbage, pak choi, and raab. Mixed in are some flowers: zinnias, marigolds, salvia, and alyssum.
Yesterday I walked along the corn field, and I think that I saw the first corn sprout. Of course, it could also be grass.
Here are the zucchini planted about a week and a half ago; the tiny things are basil, planted two weeks ago.